Sunday, April 5, 2009

Alexa has changed his interface, now offers more info

Publicado por Admin en 11:47 AM
Now you can get more stats related to any website with Alexa. It's important to remember that this website store statistic information about the websites thanks to all the people who has installed his toolbar in their web browsers. The main changes in Alexa are shown in the next images:

Time on Site: now you can see how many time people expend in websites.

Pageviews/User: this allow you to compare or see how many clics gives the visitors inside an specific website.

Bounce Rate: Here you'll see if the visitors found what they were looking for or if they spend too many time inside the website.

Hot URLs: On the index, Alexa has include this section. There you can see what are the popular websites or the pages more visited right now. For example, we can see tha twitter is the most popular when I took this shot.

This are the main changes I saw the last time I visited Alexa.

Webpage: Alexa.

1 comentarios

Admin on April 6, 2009 at 11:26 AM said...

I agree with you, Martin. Thanks for your comment. I publish this post because it's a free and popular tool. Maybe the best alternative is QuantCast.

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